
Showing posts from April 12, 2011

Talk To Things

                   Talk To Things MARK 11:23 NKJ 23 "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be removed .... Too many people think of the Bible only as a Holy book to be revered. So they put it up on a shelf and make sure no one mistreats it. But the Bible is a message from God. It gives us instruction for our benefit -- practical advice. It's time to take the Bible down off the pedestal, read it, and act on its instructions. Here is one seldom acted upon: talk to things. The devil wants you to think it would be crazy to talk to things. But it's not. Jesus did it. He talked to sickness. He talked to the storm and told it to be still. He talked to dead bodies and commanded them to get up. He talked to trees. And He talked to the devil and told him to get behind him. Jesus talked to things. You should too. You should talk to fear and worry. You should talk to confusion. You should talk to lack. You should talk to sickness. Y