
Showing posts from July 27, 2011

You Are Not An Orphan

                   You Are Not An Orphan JOHN 14:18 NIV 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. You are not facing life all alone -- no matter how you feel. Jesus is with you. He promised to never forsake you. Our enemy loves to make us think we have no help, that God does not care, and we have no hope. But the devil is a liar. "But why does God allow things to look so bleak? Why doesn't He help me sooner?" God desires faith and trust from us. Without testing times we would have no opportunity to show our faith. Without obstacles we would have nothing to overcome. We must always remember that God is raising a family, preparing us for eternity with Him.  It can be a great error to judge everything by "the bottom line" today. We must trust our Father God, because only He really knows what the "true bottom line" is. And we can trust Him, because He is good and trustworthy . SAY THIS: Thank you Father God that I