
Showing posts from August 16, 2011


WHO IS JESUS?   For the blind, Jesus is light. For the hungry, Jesus is the bread. For the thirsty, Jesus is the source. For the dead, Jesus is life. For the sick, Jesus is the cure. For the prisoner, Jesus is freedom. For the lonely, Jesus is the companion. For the liar, Jesus is the Truth. For the traveller, Jesus is the way. To the wise, Jesus is the wisdom. For medicine, Jesus is the doctor of doctors. For the defendant, Jesus is the lawyer. For the lawyer, Jesus is the Judge. To the Judge, Jesus is the justice. For the tired, Jesus is the relief. For the bricklayer, Jesus is the main stone. For the gardener, Jesus is the rose of Sharon. For sad, Jesus is the joy. For the reader, Jesus is the word. For the poor, Jesus is the treasure. For the debtor, Jesus is the forgiveness. For me he is ALL!