
Showing posts from August, 2011

What does it mean that Jesus saves?"

Question: "What does it mean that Jesus saves?" Answer:  “Jesus saves” is a popular slogan on bumper stickers, signs at athletic events, and even banners being pulled across the sky by small airplanes. Sadly, few who see the phrase “Jesus saves” truly and fully understand what it means. There is a tremendous amount of power and truth packed into those two words. Jesus saves, but who is Jesus? Most people understand that Jesus was a man who lived in Israel approximately 2000 years ago. Virtually every religion in the world views Jesus as a good teacher and/or a prophet. And while those things are most definitely true of Jesus, they do not capture who Jesus truly is, nor do they explain how or why Jesus saves. Jesus is God in human form (John 1:1, 14). Jesus is God, come to Earth, as a true human being (1 John 4:2). God became a human being in the person of Jesus in order to save us. That brings up the next question: why do we need to be saved? Jesus saves, but why do we

God Has A Plan

        God Has A Plan JEREMIAH 29:11 NIV      1 For I know the plans  I have for you,".   declares the LORD , "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Genesis 37 tells the story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers. At that time, I'm sure it didn't look to Joseph like God had a plan -- at least not one that was good for him. Joseph surely thought what many of us have, "Why did you let this happen to me, God?" No doubt things looked clearer to Joseph later on when he was ruling Egypt and was able to save his entire family from starvation. (Genesis 45-50) Often life may seem confusing and out-of-control. But don't despair. God has a plan for you which He is working out. If you could only see the end He has in mind for you -- you would begin to rejoice and thank God right now.                                                      Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God

Matt Chandler Sermon Jam/Kinetic Typography- Goodness vs. the Cross


Matt Chandler Sermon Jam Prayer


Radical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of God


Put God First

Put God First MATTHEW 22:37-38 NKJ 37 Jesus said to him, "`You shall love the Lord your God with                 all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 "This is the first and great commandmen t .  The most important command is to love God with all your being. As with all His commands, God does not give this for His benefit, but for your benefit. Putting God first will bless you, improving your life and well-being.      Loving people, while important, is only secondary according to Jesus. In practice -- because God loves people -- loving Him will result in you loving people also. When you get your priority backward -- putting people and their needs first -- you miss God's plan, and will be relatively ineffective in helping people -- compared to what you could have been if you put God first.                                                         MATTHEW 6:33 CEV       33 But more than anything else, put God's work fir

Wow Awesome Creativity - JESUS IS Beautiful, awesome, creator, alpha, omega.......


Amazing Grace - Visual Portrait : Must Watch


A Text Message from God For You


Interview with God


Help Mate!

s GENESIS 2:18 LB 18 And the Lord God said, "It isn't good for man to be alone; I will make a companion for him, a helper suited to his needs." An important part of God's purpose for marriage is to have someone to help you in life. (God did not intend for this to be one-sided. A husband also should help his wife. Otherwise, a husband would not love his wife as Christ loves the church. See Ephesians 5:25.) We all need help and encouragement. Sadly, for most people, that is often not at all what they receive from their spouse. Your spouse, whether you know it or not, desperately wants and needs your help, your encouragement, and your support. Are all spouses perfect and deserving of encouragement and support? None are! No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But especially in those times, it is important that we have someone to encourage us and help us to believe we can go on and do better. God meant for you to be that someone to help your spouse.

Pastor Stephen's Testimony

What can God do with a desperate young man? I know what he has done with this one.  My name is A Stephen. I am a Christian from the country of India and this is my story. I was born and raised in India. My parents were orthodox Hindus and I was thought the doctrine of my family’s religion. As a young man I travelled all over southern India with my parents to offer sacrifices and to worship Hindu idols. Yet my life remained empty and had no peace or happiness. After stealing money from my father’s temple, I left my family and village. I travelled from village to village talking to sadhus (Hindu holy men), yet their counsel did not provide me the life changing experience with God for which I was searching. Again, the peace I was seeking eluded me. After three months I returned home with no money and no peace. I was so broke that I thought suicide was the answer. My conclusion was that only death could relieve me from my misery.  I tried to buy some poison but by God’s preventive hand th


WHO IS JESUS?   For the blind, Jesus is light. For the hungry, Jesus is the bread. For the thirsty, Jesus is the source. For the dead, Jesus is life. For the sick, Jesus is the cure. For the prisoner, Jesus is freedom. For the lonely, Jesus is the companion. For the liar, Jesus is the Truth. For the traveller, Jesus is the way. To the wise, Jesus is the wisdom. For medicine, Jesus is the doctor of doctors. For the defendant, Jesus is the lawyer. For the lawyer, Jesus is the Judge. To the Judge, Jesus is the justice. For the tired, Jesus is the relief. For the bricklayer, Jesus is the main stone. For the gardener, Jesus is the rose of Sharon. For sad, Jesus is the joy. For the reader, Jesus is the word. For the poor, Jesus is the treasure. For the debtor, Jesus is the forgiveness. For me he is ALL!