Pastor Stephen's Testimony

What can God do with a desperate young man? I know what he has done with this one. 
My name is A Stephen. I am a Christian from the country of India and this is my story.
I was born and raised in India. My parents were orthodox Hindus and I was thought the doctrine of my family’s religion. As a young man I travelled all over southern India with my parents to offer sacrifices and to worship Hindu idols. Yet my life remained empty and had no peace or happiness. After stealing money from my father’s temple, I left my family and village. I travelled from village to village talking to sadhus (Hindu holy men), yet their counsel did not provide me the life changing experience with God for which I was searching. Again, the peace I was seeking eluded me.
After three months I returned home with no money and no peace. I was so broke that I thought suicide was the answer. My conclusion was that only death could relieve me from my misery.  I tried to buy some poison but by God’s preventive hand the shop owner would not sell it to me. Yet a few days later I went to my room and tied a rope to the ceiling and slipped a noose around my neck. In one last desperate attempt, with the fearful uncertainty of what might come after death, I cried out in anger and bitterness, “God, where are you? I’ve searched for you everywhere but couldn’t find you. Why did you create me for all these problems?”  At that same moment an sweet voice said to me, “My son, there is peace for you.” Immediately I cut the rope with a knife from my pocket and looked to see who has spoken these precious words to me.
Not finding anyone in my room. I left and walked to the nearby village. I was soon approached by a young man who asked me why I was so sad. I told him that my sadness was my own business, not his. He responded by saying that he has something to tell me that would help me. There was such a love and concern in his voice that I told him of my misery. After listening to my story of my search for peace and my near to suicide, he looked at me and told me that Jesus Christ loves me. He died for me, and that He would give me peace if I believed in Him.
I told the young man that I had already called on many gods and had found no peace. He then asked me if I knew where I would go if I died that day, to heaven or hell? I confessed that I did not know that I struggled with that very question. Then the young man quoted to me the words of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through me.”
These words pierced my heart and I asked him what I should do. He urged me. “Commit yourself to Jesus.” As I confessed my sins to God and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of my life, an overwhelming sense of peace and joy flooded me as I prayed. Even more, as Jesus came in to dwell in me I experienced a sensation like an electric shock in my body. I knew my life was changed forever and I had received the peace for which I had searched for so long.
After thanking the young man I hurried to tell my family of my new found peace and happiness. My father did not rejoice with me as I hoped he would. Instead he beat me badly. My mother also added to my beatings. Life at home soon became unbearable. As I cherished every word from the gospel of John which the young man had given me, my mother snatched it from me, and threw it in the fire saying, “There goes your God and your western religion.” After three weeks my sister committed suicide blaming me for he shame I had brought on my family. My mother was bitten by a snake and the people of my village blamed me saying that the Hindu gods were angry because I had come to Christ.
Since neither his rejection nor beatings caused me to forsake Jesus, my father began to appeal to Hindu gods to kill me. Since I was no longer participating in the religious activities of the village, even my two older brothers threatened to kill me. Finally, my father threw me out of our home forever saying, “you are no longer my son and I am not your father,” He did not even allow me to take any cloths or food. I left home with only the cloths on my back.
I wandered alone and hungry for two days. Then a farmer hired me to help him for the wages of food and shelter. A week later God brought me to a man preaching Christ in a nearby village. He too was a Hindu convert. He took me in for six months and gave me my first Bible. I will  never forget the day when while reading my first Bible that I found the precious promise of Psalms 27:10; “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.” In every way the Lord has taken me up and given me the very peace and happiness for which I was searching.
What can God do with a desperate young man? Since the Lord has called and privileged me to travel all over the country of India declaring the message of eternal life in Jesus Christ. The Lord graciously gave my Christian wife Queenly, also from India, and has honored our effects to serve Him by establishing Cornerstone Ministries. Through more than two hundred churches, a hospital and a well drilling rig which travels throughout southern India bringing fresh water to forgotten people, in the name of Jesus. By God’s grace and power Cornerstone Ministries has over three hundred Indian pastors and evangelists in the field proclaiming the Good News of Jesus and establishing indigenous Christian churches in the remote villages of India.
What can God do with a desperate young man? I know what God has done with this one and I will thank and praise Him all the days of my life.
Pray for us as we continue to look and search for other desperate young men and women.

For further information contact.

The Director,
Cornerstone Ministries

49, Hutchins Main Road,
Bangalore 560 084, India
Cell : 919448074242
Phone : 080 25463409


  1. We were shocked to know that Bro. Stephen is no more with us. We couldn’t believe.

    We worked together in OM during 1966-70. I was amazed to see his love for the Lord. The Lord used him wonderfully.

    We Praise God for the life he lived on this earth. As Bro. Chacko has stated, A Stephan was one of the rare Ex-OMer who had such a zeal and boldness. He was fully available in hands of the Lord and He used him for His glory. Stephan poured out his life. I think our blessed Master wanted him to rest. Great is reward from the Lord.

    After leaving OM, I met him at Billy Graham’s conference at Amsterdam and I challenged him to send missionaries to Gujarat. And he did. Then there were 25,000 Tamil families in Ahmedabad (now much more).

    He established 2-3 churches among Tamil people of other faith. He used to meet me whenever he visited Ahmedabad.

    Our prayers are with you at this time. May you experience all prevailing presence of our dear Lord. May God of comfort be your portions.

    This is not end. We will meet our brother one day and there will not be parting thereafter.


    Shantijai I.Khristmukti
    Serving Friends Foundation
    Nadiad, Gujarat

  2. Stephen was my spiritual son. I loved him very much. He was a mighty man of God. A giant in the faith. He had enough vision for 4 life times. He was a good man. A wonderful son.

    Queenie, Yoneko and Samuel- Even though I'm not here in person, I 'm here with you in spirit and my heart is with you. I grieve with you today at the loss of your husband and your father.
    I pray the comfort of the Holy Spirit minister to you during this time.

    I first met Stephen in London in 1990 by divine appointment. I prayed for him and gave him a prophetic word. I prophesied that he would go back to India and do wonderful works for God.
    Almost immediately he adopted me as his dad and I embraced him as my son.

    That was 22 years ago and as you look around this campus today you can see a few of the many things he has accomplished. His handprints are everywhere. Im so thankful I was able to come here 4 years ago and see for myself what one man could accomplish for the sake of the gospel. He was a man of great vision, great faith and he was also a man of excellence. Hundreds of thousands know Jesus today because of Stephen. His Heart of Man charts will continue to be distributed around the world and even though Stephen is gone, his vision will live on for many years to come. Even though he is dead, he will continue to speak for many generations to come.

    I was so honored to be his dad. I will miss that call. I will miss that voice. But not for long. I have made my reservation in Heaven by the blood of Jesus. And you can too.

    You have fought a good fight Stephen. You have kept the faith, you have finished your course. You are now resting in the arms of Jesus. You have left your vision in good hands. Be assured that Queenie, Yoneko and Samuel will continue what you have begun. They are well able to do so.

    I love you son and I love you Queenie, Yoneko and Sameul. May the God of peace comfort you today and everyone who is here today.

    Thank you.
    -Dale Gentry

  3. I (am very very very sorry to hear the news that A has died. I am so sorry for each of you, those he treasured and loved the most, for the horrible grief that you must be experiencing at this moment. Thank you to whoever of you it was (I'm guessing it was you, Yoneko) who sent us (or directed to have someone send to us) the incredibly sad news via the letter below. It was not the news that we wanted to hear or were praying to hear, but since it is what in fact occurred we absolutely wanted to know - so thank you for your abundant thoughtfulness in being sure that we were informed so quickly at a time when you are in your greatest grief and have many many things to do.

    Queeny and Yoneko, I can't tell you how much I admire and respect both of you for your love and unselfishness for your husband and dad by being willing to give him your own kidney (and go through the suffering you have and are going through, Queeny, and that you were willing to go through, Yoneko, had the doctors so decided that your kidney would be the one donated).

    Queeny, Donna and I will continue to pray for your physical recovery and for the Lord Jesus' comfort for you in the midst of your grief. You have been a great wife and partner and co-worker for A. He needed you throughout your years together, as you needed him, and you have done spectacular job co-laboring with him for the gospel and the kingdom. I still remember A's joyful excitement when he first wrote to me and told me about you when I was in college. He was so excited that God had brought you into his life. And he never wavered in his admiration, love, and respect for you in anything he told me about you over almost 40 years (he and I met in July 1972). I remember him being asked one time, when he was visiting the US, who took care of things for Cornerstone while he was traveling. He answered emphatically "my wife," then he praised your abilities and expressed great confidence in you. His comment about you was like the husband's comment about his godly, skillful, trustworthy wife in Proverbs 31: 11 & 28: "The heart of her husband trusts in her . . . Her children rise up and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praises her." Queeny, A praised you, as we do, too, and as have many others - and you are worthy of that praise. Just as Paul in Ephesians 4: 1 wrote to the believers and said that he "beg[ged] [them] to lead a life worth of the calling to which you have been called," so, too, you, have lead a life worthy of your calling from the Lord in being a wonderful wife and great co-worker for your beloved husband.

    I am very glad that Pastor Tom is able to be there with you and all of our Indian brothers and sisters in this extremely sad time. He is a representative there not only of he and Karen and the wonderful church he pastors, Grove City Vineyard, but also, in a sense, of all of us American Christians in central Ohio who love A and you and our brethren in Cornerstone and who have been blessed to partner with you in the gospel over the years. We could have no better representative than Pastor Tom, a terrific leader and a wise and loving and generous brother who the Lord chose to knit together so closely in friendship and love to A and to all of you.

    You will all be in our prayers as A is mourned, remembered, and honored at his funeral, and as A's Lord Jesus Christ is honored and praised as I know He will be.

    Thank you again for letting us know so soon. Donna is traveling with her mom today and unreachable, so I won't be able to talk to her and tell her until tonight - and she will be very grieved to find out . . . she has been praying hard - but I know that she would agree with what I have written here and join me in expressing my deepest sorrow at your loss, our loss, and the body of Christ's loss of a wonderful person and a truly great servant of Jesus.

    We love you,

    Jay for Jay and Donna

  4. Our hearts are so sad to hear about Brother Stephen's passing. Please know that we will be praying for you in your time of grief and loss. God is with you.

    We praise God for Brother Stephen's life and ministry. The Lord used him in mighty ways to bring thousands to Christ and into His kingdom. Now he has gone to his reward. We rejoice that Brother Stephen is now with his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he loves so much.

    May the God of all comfort be your comfort in the days ahead. Please let us know if there is anything that we can do.

    Love in Christ,

    Bob and Linda Schindler
    and all at Mission ONE


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