Faith Pleases God

                 Faith Pleases God


Our experience does not always agree with what the Bible says.
For example, the Bible says that God will supply all your needs
in Phillipians 4:19, but it may seem like your needs are not
being met.

The Bible says that God always leads us in triumph, but it may
seem like you are losing.

When our experience does not agree with the Bible, it is an
opportunity to keep our faith in what God said, or to give up
on that faith.

Circumstances are subject to change. But God will never change
what He has said. When we hold on to our faith in God's Word,
circumstances will change.

Believing what the Bible says when the circumstances disagree
can be very difficult. It's a great temptation to give in and
forget what God said.

But what greater purpose could your life have than to please

Many people strain and sacrifice to please other humans. How
much greater of a goal it is to please God!

Resist unbelief! Keep your faith in God! You will be rewarded!

SAY THIS: I will believe God's Word regardless what the
circumstances say, because faith pleases God


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